Employment and Resume Writing Workshops: Financial Services

Victoria and the Saanich region are host to BC’s second highest newcomer population. Women who are visible minorities, as well as new to their cities, can often times face a number of obstacles when they are looking to secure employment in Canada. Language barriers, navigating new employment terrain, and understanding workplace standards and working environments, are some of the various factors that need to be explored and may require support.

To overcome these employment barriers and understand the employment market more holistically, informational workshops and referral to these services will be provided on the following topics:

  • Resume and cover letter making, employment search skills, finding hidden jobs, networking, links to additional employment services, and understanding supports available.
  • Navigating Service Canada to understand how to apply for Social Insurance Numbers, Employment Insurance (EI), Canadian Emergency Response Benefits etc.
  • Understanding Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), personal income tax returns, applying for child tax credits, and possible credit eligibility etc.
  • General financial services information such as: understanding the importance of filling income tax returns, possible credit eligibility, Registered Retirement Savings Plans, Tax-Free Savings Accounts, as well as understanding how to navigate acquiring those services.
  • Financial services information such as: importance of filling income tax returns, Credit eligibility RRSP, TFSA and referral to get those services